
Masters of Horology

Join us from 30 March to 5 April in Geneva at Masters of Horology - Discover our Central Impulse Chronometer.

Event date:

The AHCI, Académie Horlogère des Créateurs Indépendants, reunites again for a Grand Exhibition of Independent Watch and Clockmakers in Geneva. We invite you to meet, chat and view our Central Impulse Chronometer.


The event will also include names such as: Konstantin Chaykin, Svend Andersen, David Candaux, Ludovic Ballouard, Vianney Halter, Raul Pages, John-Mikael Flaux, Daizoh Makihara, Kari Voutilainen, Aaron Becsei, Felix Baumgartner, Miki Eleta, Alessandro Rigotto, Robert Bray, Florian Schlumpf, Marco Lang, Stefan Kudoke, Sebastian Naeschke, Sebastien Billieres, Anton Suhanov, Sylvain Pinaud, Machial Hulsman and guest appearances from the some other members of the Académie.

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